Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Debutante Ball: A Colorful Swirl of Debut Authors

The pelt; a revealer of purpose.
The tail; an instrument of balance.
The claws; weapons of protection.
In the land of Jagumas, an uprising has begun. Ryedor, a quirky student inventor, has discovered a secret to her past that throws her into the center of the rebellion. She always knew she was meant for greater things, but now her path to greatness has been quickened...

“Imaginative and entertaining… with plot twists that kept me guessing.” –Peggy Urry, editor, ANWA
“One of today’s most talented young authors!” –Donna Hatch, author of The Stranger She Married

Pick up your own copy of Jagumaterra: A Science-Fiction Parable at Amazon or my eStore or comment below for a signed copy.

Enter the world of Jagumaterra here.

If I was to be any character in Jagumaterra, I’d be Ennoir deLeval, a Jagumaress whose mother’s death inspires her to join the rebellion and befriend Ryedor. She is the army’s healer and holds many mysterious secrets of her own.

If I were to pick an actor to play Ryedor in a movie, I’d choose Saoirse Ronan.
More Jagumaterra? I thought you might ask. ;) So these could be your prizes for commenting! Includes:
- Signed copy of Jagumaterra: A Science-Fiction Parable
- Your own Birs'e feather hairpiece (please specify color)
- Tote bag
- Bookmark with your own authentic Jagumaterran name
To increase your chances of winning, be sure to keep on top of those Shout Outs! Facebook, Twitter or wherever you go. Just let us know what you’ve done in this post!! (Rules: One entry per Shout Out per day) Please leave your e-mail address in your comment so I can arrange your Jagumaterran name and ask which color Birs’e feather you’d like.


…And be sure to take a look at all the other awesome authors out there! (Pay attention to those dates!)

12 Elizabeth Mueller elizabethmueller.blogspot.com

13 Regan Guerra seekyourpath.blogspot.com

14 Melissa Pearl melissapearl.blogspot.com

15 Claudia LeFeve claudialafeve.com

17 Pendragon Innmen PendragonWrites.com 

19 Alex J. Cavanaugh alexjcavanaugh.blogspot.com

21 Fiauna Lund formyfour.blogspot.com

22 Anastasia V. Pergakis http://labotomyofawriter.com/

23 H. Linn Murphy  www.murph4slaw.blogspot.com

27 Patti Larsen pattilarsen.blogspot.com

28 Red Tash RedTash.com

29 Annetta Ribken wordwebbing.com

*Parcel shipping for US residents only for Jagumaterra drawing. L
International winner will receive e-book of Jagumaterra: A Science-Fiction Parable and an e-poster featuring not-yet released artwork for special edition coming in 2014! Drawn by Chris Guerra and featuring your own authentic Jagumaterran name!
2 different winners = double the suspense! Please let me know if you are an international entry so I can enter you in the drawing.
Thank you all!
Winners to be chosen by Random.org

Monday, December 5, 2011

Debutante Ball of Debut Authors!!

Hosted by the talented Elizabeth Mueller, author of Darkspell, this is sure to be one blog tour you won't want to miss!! Contests, prizes, gifts, signed novels, and yours truly is part of it! Be sure to hop online once a day from Dec. 12th to the 30th and participate as much as you can for the chance to win something amazing at the end of it all!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Publication at Last!

As of Monday, September 12, 2011, Jagumaterra: A Science-Fiction Parable will be released and available for purchase on my own eStore, Amazon, and Aquarius Books & Gifts. Keep your eyes peeled, as more bookstores and libraries closer to home start carrying my debut novel!! Also, look out for more information on my very first book-signing event EVER! (Perhaps taking place during the holidays OR late spring/early summer)
Comment below with your e-mail address if interested in a signed copy!
Love to you all!! Thank you SOO much for your amazing support!
Regan Brianne Guerra, PA (Published Author)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Incredible Quote!!

So I was on Facebook earlier today and found a quote my brother-in-law posted that led me to a talk by Boyd K. Packer during a fireside on February 1, 1976. There, I found an awesome writing quote that I wish to share with all (especially my author friends out there).
"We shall yet have Miltons and Shakespeares of our own. God’s ammunition is not exhausted. His highest spirits are held in reserve for the latter times. In God’s name and by His help we will build up a literature whose tops will touch the heaven, though its foundation may now be low on the earth." -Orson F. Whitney
Amazing, isn't it? I hope all will take courage from this quote and find the determination and desire to rise to it's invitation. We need more greats!!
Love to you all!
The talk is called "The Arts and the Spirit of the Lord" by Boyd K. Packer

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Half-Baked Poem :)

There once was a small boy named Willowick,
Not Charlie, not Samuel, nor Dominic.
He hid under cover
To scare his poor mother
But never did bring off his little trick.

You see, his dear mother was watching him
And knew all about his morning whim
She turned on the camera
For last night had come Santa
And all in the small house would find a grin.

“Willowick, it’s too bad you hid from me
‘Cause I know of something you’d like to see
There are presents galore
Scattered all on the floor
But you’ll have to look under the Christmas tree.”

Willowick was up like a lightning flash
He flew through the door with a big, loud crash
He jumped on the couch
And sat, didn’t slouch
To pounce on the gifts when he had a chance.

Monday, March 14, 2011

All-New Interview with Mormon Mommy Writers!

No, I am not a mommy. :)
BUT I got an interview with the MMW bloggers this upcoming Saturday! Hooray! Keep a lookout for the answers to these fun questions!
- What is my all-time favorite Shakespeare play?
- If I could be any book character (read or written) who would it be?
- How writing has changed my life.
... and much more!

Oh, oh, oh! Another thing! In case y'all haven't noticed my shiny new blog bling... Isn't it fun? I, uh, guess it's kinda obvious what my favorite color is now, huh? :) Be sure to check out the pages about my books, too!

Love you all, I'll keep you updated and KEEP SMILING! :)

Monday, January 10, 2011


Okay, so it's kind of a stupid question. Everyone knows that when a girl's name changes, she got married, but I am still SO HAPPY!! WOOT!
So I'll start answering the basics. :)
His name is Mario.
He's from OR.
We got married on the 3rd of Dec. 2010 in the Mesa, AZ Temple.
We did not get a toaster. (For some strange reason, a LOT of people have been asking us that.)
We met under quite miraculous circumstances. We'd seen each other around at the singles' ward, but it was really weird when we bumped into each other at the SLC airport, both headed home from weddings. (Little did I know that he had just caught the garter... maybe I should have really dove for that bouquet, then it would be REALLY interesting....) I was kinda waiting for a missionary at the time, so I was thinking something along the lines of "Nice guy, but no." We got to talking and found out that our tickets were... not sitting together.
So we boarded the plane, but when I came to my seat there was this lady fidgeting around, looking really worried. She saw us and said "Hey, do you mind if we switch seats? My boyfriend hates flying and I really need to be with him."
Mario looked at his ticket and guess what? It was the seat next to the lady's boyfriend. Ironically, I had just got done saying that I didn't believe in coincidences.
Very funny, Heavenly Father. :)
So we rode on the plane home, talking the entire time. He caught a ride home with me and my parents and that was that. That was July, and I didn't hear from him again until late mid-September. Evidently, his phone was stolen, so he spent that time trying to text me on my home phone number. Haha! We started dating on the 20th, were engaged October 16th, and the rest is history.
Married life is wonderful so far. He's just started working again after taking about a month-long break. (Our honeymoon won't end for another eternity or so.) :)
That... and guess what?
Jagumaterra ASFP now contains a special surprise that only those who follow my FB group know about. (Dun, dun, dun!)
So pick up and check it out!
Love ya'll!